EMM. G. LIANAKIS S.A. aims at maximising the quality of the provided services according to:
- the requirements of customers
- the legislative requirements
- the International Patterns and Regulations
aiming at the most optimal quality of provided services and the satisfaction of customers. It always seeks the fulfillment of the requirements placed by the customers and considers basic tool for the achievement of this objective the System of Management of Quality (S.M.Q.) at ISO 9001:2000.
At the same time, the company attends to maintain a high level of efficiency. The company founders attended from the beginning of its operation to aim always in the quality of services, that helps so much both in the proper observance of Management System and in its improvement as well.
Taking into consideration the growth and the maturation of the company and with the assistance of the S.M.Q. tools, the Administration of the company review continuously its objectives and places new when it is required.
The satisfaction of EMM. G. LIANAKIS S.A. customers constitutes strategic point in its operation. It recognizes the catalytic role that the customers play in the maintenance of its competitive position and commits itself to the observance of the agreed with the customers services duration and to the settlement of, by any chance, problems.
EMM. G. LIANAKIS S.A. requires from its collaborators to follow the requirements of quality that it has fixed and maintains via the established System of Management of Quality which the company applies.
Seeking the continuous improvement of the way of organization, operation and efficiency of the System of Management of Quality, EMM. G. LIANAKIS S.A. is supported:
- by the capable and specialized personnel
- by the constant evaluation of its suppliers and collaborators
- by the properly designed quality control of provided services
- by the constant education of its personnel
- by the continuous briefing on the technological developments
and aims in the following:
- Rapid, as far as possible, response in the customers demands.
- Continuous follow-up of developments.
- Use of modern technological methods aiming at the quality improvement of provided services.
- Benefit of all essential means, knowledge, growth of quality spirit and perfection, in all the human resources of the company.
- Systematic analysis of all well-founded complaints of customers and, by any chance, cases of not conformity and investigation of causes.
- Taking over preventive and corrective actions.
- Continuous improvement of the way of organisation, operation and efficiency of S.M.Q.
- Place of quality objectives that result from measurement and follow-up activities of S.M.Q. attribution, which are found in continuous application for the collection of elements and data.
All the EMM. G. LIANAKIS S.A. employees are responsible of corresponding, absorbing and applying the processes that the System of Management of Quality requires through their daily activities.
It is also company’s Administration responsibility of EMM. G. LIANAKIS S.A. to ensure that the Quality Policy is applicable, with final aim the continuous and constant growth of its activity and the concentration on its objectives, offering to its customers high level of services.